sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008


This last month I hadsome problems and I couldn't enter to many classes, but I like them more than the other months, becuase they were dynamic, and also funny.
We talk more, and the topics were not so boring


If your boss offered the marketing manager position in Irak what will you do??
If I´m single, and its a good salary, I´ll take it, I thing we must take risks.

If you were accussed for steeling a company, what would you do?
I'll me very angry, but I will prove that I'm inocent.

Would you accept sleeping with your boss if what?
Firs of all, if I like him a little, and if he is offering somehing really good that I couldn't obtain in another way


The problem was that Bellissima, that is a perfume and cosmetics brand, has two option to expand its market, the first one is to invest in their actual public, or to expand ang try to win a ne market.

For me the profile B is the best option, because as it is said, younger girls, dont care spending a lot in their image. Another thing that I find interesting is that our brand can start creating an image in their head, to continue being their favourite brand.

The strategies used will be advertisiments, that show the product as a fashionable, "in", whith style product, that is what the girls look for.
Another thing, will be to present the product in television in order to present its name that will be REBEL ANGEL. We choose this name becuase it shows like the two sides of the persons, good and bad.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

My OpInIoN

Well, DuRinG tHiS MoNtH, I ThInK tHaT iT WaS a GrEaT IdEa To UsE tHe LaBs, BeCaUse ThEy ArE gReaT aNd I hAD nEvEr USe ThEm sInCe NoW.
I dOn'T LiKe tHaT ThE tEaCHer GiVeS Us ThE cLaSs In SpAnIsH, BeCAUse I ThInK We NeEd To PrAcTiCe MoRe OuR sPeAkiNg AnD LiSteNinG, AnD TrY tO uNdErSAtNd The exPlanAtIoNs iN eNgLiSh!
I lIkE ThE acTiViTiEs WiYh The sOnGs AnD ThE eXceRciSeS in ThE cOmPuTer; ThEy Are VerY inTerEsaNT, EnTerTaIninG aNd GreAt, We sHoUlD do It MoRe OfTEn

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008


1. The rate of unemployment is increasing day to day.

2. Having a struck is great for all the workers, because as it is said, it will be like a cushion if they fall.

3. "Don´t make a fuss" my boss tell me when he asked me to work on sunday.

4. It´s binding not to work more than 8 hours a day

5. Because of the economy of the country, many companies are sereancing tjeir employments

6. It was advisory the situation the company is having

7. The new products of Coca-Cola company, strike the ones of Cadbury

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008

Getting things done...

You will work during vacations without salary...

Is there any way you can work during vacation without salary?
I don't suppose you could work during vacation without salary?w
Do you mind working during vacation without salary?
Wiill you do me a favour and work during vacation without salary?
I was wondering wether you could work during vacation without salary?
Would you mind working during vacation without salary?
I really appreciate it if you work during vacation without salary?
It'd be a great help if you could work during vacation without salary?

MaNagEmEnT vS lEadersHiP

A manager is a person that controls a company, the one that has many people behind him/her.This person has to give orders to the staff and supervise all the activities they do. He respects the hierarchy and is not flexible.
An example of a manager could be Carlos Slim, because he has companies like Sanborns, Telmex, and he is in charge of the personnel that work in there.

A leader is a person that has not the role of controling, he acts like a guide. He is a member of a team that is different of the others, beccause some characteristics like empathy, solidarity and be an intelligent person.
An example of a leader can be Mahadma Ghandi. Because he was an inspiration for all India because of his ideas and goals.

sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2008

5th SeMesTEr

5tH sEmEsTer!!!!

domingo, 23 de marzo de 2008

TEST TWO Reading and Writing

Part 1
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. C

Part 2
6. D
7. G
8. B
9. E
10. H

Part 3
11. D
12. B
13. E
14. H
15. A

Part 4
16. A
17. C
18. A
19. C
20. B
21. C
22. A

Part 5
23. C
24. C
25. B
26. C
27. A
28. B

Part 6
29. B
30. A
31. B
32. C
33. A
34. C
35. A
36. C
37. C
38. B
39. C
40. B

Part 7
43. 4WR
44. 200

martes, 11 de marzo de 2008

ReViEw 3


Future plans and intentions

Complete the dialogue with the appropiate form of the verb in brackets: going to, will, or the present continuous.

A. Hi, Richard. I´m afraid I´ve got xome bad news.
I(not come) am not coming to Bahrain tomorrow.

B. But we (meet) are meeting Ahmed on Wednesday to discuss the sales figures!

A. I know. I'm sorry but we've got problems with the launch of the G42. I've decided I (stay) will stay at head office to put things right.

B. (you come) Will you come next week instead?

A.I don't know yet. I (phone) will phone you on Friday. We (talk) are going to talk about it then.

B. OK. But you know Ahmed (travel) is going to travel to Singapore the week after, so he (not be) won't be free to meet with us then.

The imperative

Find and correct the mistake in each sentence

1. Let's to discuss the new trainee scheme next.
Let's discuss the new trainee scheme next.

2. If the company will offer you a job, accept it.
If the company offer you a job, accept it.

3. Please not to touch the equipment
Please don't touch the equipment

4. Please to be careful to use the right form.
Please be careful to use the right form.

5. You don't use this phone- use that one.
Don't use this phone- use that one.

6. If Jo phones, please you will take a message.
If Jo phones, please take a message.

7. If you will not have the right qualificaions, don't apply for the job.
If you don't have the right qualificaions, don't apply for the job.

8. Please you tell me if you can't hear.
Please tell me if you can't hear.

Modals of obligation

Match the underlined phrases with a modal verb phrase a-h that has the same meaning.

1. I'ts essential to pay off your debts on time.
h you have to

2. It isn't allowed to use a mobile phone in here
e you mustn't

3. It isn't necessary to be a graduate to apply for this job
c you don't need to

4. the rule is: show your passport when you buy foreign currency
g You must

5. My advice is: search the web if you want to find a good job
d you should

6. It isn't necessary to pay now, you can pay next week.
b you don't have to

7. my advice is: don't go to a job interview without good preparation
a you shouldn't

8. it's necessary to have sales experience if you want to join the team
f you need to


Good morning everybody and welcome. all of you have chosen to join the international division. So that means that you're going to start a new job in our regional offices. At 10 o'clock, Delores Tavares is coming to talk to you about culture. But first I'm going to explain a few point to help youprepare for the move to a new country. please stop me if you have any questions.
First, some practical point. You make sure that your passport is up-to-date. And if you need to apply for a visa, please do it as soon as possible. It can take a lot of time, so you musn't leave it till the last minute. The administrative staff will help you. Some of you travel with your families so you'll have to check the travel documents for your family.
Now each of you is going to have a one-week trip to your new location before you start the job. this trip will give you the chance to find out abput the new environment. You should make the best use of this trip. We want you to start your new job without too many problems. As you know, you don't have to look for accommodation because the company is going to provide you with an apartment. But don't expect everything to be easy. The way of life in other countries is often very different. You shouldn't forget that!


Buenos Aires is a leading business(1)site. It has a (2)strong economy. International trade plays a key role in the (3)development of the city. The country exports many products thought its historic(4)port. Many international banks have their (5)regional offices there.

What (1)qualifications do you need to work in sales? Nicholas, 33, a sales directorwith a food producer, says: "You don't need a University (2)degree, but it helps. It's more important to be energetic and(3) communicating -able to talk easily to all kind of people. You also need good managment(4)skills. If youreally want to develop your(5) carreer, ypu can earn a good (6)salary.


Making an appointment

A. I'm going to be in Riga next week and I'd like to arrange a meeting with you.
B. OK It would be good to mmet you while you are here. CAn we meet on Friday?
A. I'm afraid not. I'm only in Riga form Monday to Thursday. But I'm free on Tuesday and Wednesday. What about you?
B. I can't make Wednesday morning, but the afternoon is good for both of us. Can youcome to my office.
Let's say at 2 o'clock?
A. Yes that fine. I'll see you then.

Explaining waht to do

1. You don't have to stay in a job you don't like: it may be better to look for a new one.
2. But first, it's important to decide what you realy want to do.
3. It's a good idea to make a list of your skills and interests.
4. And don't forget to add a list of what you like and dislike about your present job.
5. The make sure that you look for opportunities that match your abilities and interests.

Making Suggestions

A. So, how do we entertain our visitors?
B. How about taking them to a restaurant?
A. That's a good idea! I'm sure they'd like to try some local dishes.
C. And maybe they like music. Perhaps I think we should take them to a concert.
B. I'm not sure about that, we don't knoe the music they like.
A. Well, why not show them around the city?
C. I like that that! we could show them around the city and then go for dinner.

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2008



1. - JJD Electronics wish to announce their take-over of the Hong Kong-based company Wai Kee Products.
AnswerB. Wai Kee Products is now part of JJD Electronics

2.- Recruiting the right people is harder than winning new bissiness!
AnswerC. It is easier to get business than it is to find good staff

3.- The estimate we received for repairs to the machinery was low compared to the real cost.
AnswerC. It will be cheaper to repair the machines than t buy new ones.

4.-Mandy,Your talk on telecommunications al the Annual Business Conference was very relevant to my current project. Could I have a copy?Pete
AnswerB. Pete thinks that Mandy´s talk on telecommunications is useful to his work

5.- Hooper Jeans Consumer Statics

18-30 31-50 50+ Total
Female 28% 15% 12% 55%
Male 30% 12% 3% 45%
Total 58% 27% 15%

AnswerC. Those in the 18-30 age groups are the biggest buyers of hooper jeans.

How to recruit
Writing a job description
Designing good advertisements
Examinig letters and CVs
Corresponding with previous employers
Writing an interview plan
Testing candidates´s office skills
Writing a job offerIntroducing the new employee to the other staff

6.- Kiran Singh needs to know whether her applicants can type quickly

7.- Peter Wong wants to find out how to attract the best applicants

8.- Max Schukkler has to list the responsabilities for a new position

9.- Jenny Burrows wishes to collect some references for her applicants

10.- Helen Fox has to read through 10 applications for the same job

11. The number of female employees has reached the same level as the number of male employees.

12. The number of female employees has risen over ten-year period, while the number of employees has fallen

13.- Ther have been more male then female employees throughout the ten-year period.

14.- Ther has been a steady decline in the number of both male and female employees in the second half of the the-year period

15.- The number of male employees has remainded steady while the number of female
employees has risen sharply

Dear Mr Brooke,
I am writing to everyone who expressed an interest in our IT training programme last year.I enclose our new brochure for you someone you may know who might be interested.As you will see on the attached sheet, we have arranged an Open week. You are welcome to attend on any evening that week to find out nire about he programme, meet tutors and talkabout courses. The evening will start al 6:30pm and end al about 8:00pmIf you would like to attend any of the open evenings, please complete and return the form, or phone Sheila Deville on 33982594. if you wish to discuss the programme with a tutor, please let us know the day before your visit.I enclose a reply-paid envelope for your convenience and se soulld be grateful if you would return the form, even if you are no longer interested so that we can update our mailing list.

16.- Mr Brooke contacted IT Networks in the past.

17.- MR. Brooke can pass his brochure to a friend

18.- You can look at the IT equipment during the Open week

19.- You can book your course at one of the open evenings

20.- You should call Sheila Deville if you wish to visit during the day

21.- IT Networks need 24 hours notice if you wish to talk to a tutor

22.- You need not reply if you have found training somewhere else


23.- In the first paragraph, the writer says that when people shop they usually
AnswerB. make quick decisions

24.- Manufacturers are cometimes untruthful
AnswerA. about size of their products

25.- Consumers can make mistakes if they
AnswerA. Compare marks

26.- The interviews by the US Food and Drug Administration showed that product labels
AnswerA. Are confusingly designed

27.- When buying meat, consumers were influenced by.
AnswerB. the weight of the meat

28.- What do many American consumers do?
AnswerC. eat food they know is bad for them

Rules on taking holiday

Employees must (29) get their full number of days holiday before the end of the year. They may nor receive pay (30) apart of holiday useless they are leaving the company.

Before (31) making any holiday arrangements, employees must ask their manage to check dates they wish to use (32) off holiday. We will try hard to approve these but they may have to make other arrangements if their holiday (33) causes problems in the office. In some parts of the company (34) it may be cartain times of the year when staff must be at work. The manager will (35) inform staff about this.

If the employee becomes ill (36) during their holiday they are not allowed to take that holiday (37) again. We will provide holiday pay for that period, (38) not sick pay. If the employee becomes ill before their holiday starts, then they (39) may be able to change their holiday to a (40)later date.

JJB Limousines Booking FormName Driver: (41) Jenny JarvisDate car required: (42) 24th SeptemberPuck-up time: (43) 5:30 hoursPick-up place:(44) Heathrow Airport, Terminal ThreeDestination: (45) Fairview hotel.

ExTra ExPErIeNce

I have worked for Aeromexico Coompany, and it has been a perfect oportunity to practice my english, becuase my work, consist in helping people at the airport, so I talk a lot with foreigners.
I practice a lot, because almost all the time people are in a hurry so they talk very fast and you have to understand.
I'm also studying at Cenlex, almost finishing because I'm at Advanced 4 and the highest level is Advanced 5.

Linguistic Diary

My English history

Since kinder garden I had had English classes in school. I was in a school called Ovalle Monday, which is a bilingual school, it is also different to other schools because there, we make an extra scholar year called first of English, and during all the elementary school, we have different assignatures in English like spelling, science, social studies, reading comprehention and grammar. I learn how to write things and to understand because we practice with tapes and we also made activities like plays and things like that. When I passed to high school I went to Cristobal colon where I continue learning and in second year, we made the first certificate which I fortunately passed.

My linguistic experiences

I have practiced my English with people from the United States, but here in Mexico. In my church some years ago we went each summer to some trips, and Americans were part of our team. I noticed that I get nervous when talking with someone that I know speaks perfect tht language, but I felt well, I understood almost everything.

Also I have another American friend that is living here and with him, I practiced even more because I was like his translater. I feel more confident with him, maybe because he is only a few years older than me and because he knew how to talk to me to understand him. I’ve never been in another country, so I don’t have practiced an experience like that.


Name: Janette Andrade Pérez

Address: Arroyo de Zacatenco # 67 Col. La Escalera
Zip code. 07320
Mexico City

School: IPN ESCA

Carrer: Marketing

Where did I study English?

I had always been in a bilingual school, since kinder garden I was at Ovalle Monday School where half day we received English classes, and also we made an extra scholar year called first of English. When I finished junior high, I went to Cristobal Colon High School where also I studied English.

What kind of certificates did I get?

First Certificate

Semester 3

Price International Inc.
30 Elm Street
Lake Wood
Tel + 1 303 232 96 96
Fax + 1 303 233 58 69
e- mail fshaw@pcintl.aol.com

August 16 200-

Jiri Svarc
Nedvezka, 27
Czech Republic

Dear Jiri

I´m planning a trip to Europe in October and would like to meet you to discuss opening an office in Prague. I think that we will need a full day for our discussions, and I would like to invite you out to dinner afterwards. I’m arriving in Prague on the 9th, and I would like to meet with you before I visit some other agents.
Could I suggest meeting on Friday, October 11 at 10 A.M.? If necessary, we can finish our discussions when I return from my trip to Warsaw and Budapest.

I look forward to seeing you.



Frank Shaw

Bebcur Utca
1108 Budapest

26 August 200-

Mr F. Shaw
Price International Inc
30 Elm Street
CT 80215

Dear Mr Shaw

Thank you for your letter of 16 August about you visit to Europe. Unfortunately, I am away until 13 October, but I would be happy to see you on either Monday 14 or Wednesday 16 October. On both days I’m busy in the mornings, but the afternoons are free. Please let me know wich day suits you best.

I look forward your reply.



Andrea Kovacs

Semester 1

Final project.

Hello, good morning my name is Janette Andrade, I’m from Mexico City and I work for Sanborns Company, I’m a weekend sales representative.

My company is very popular all around the country; because it’s a restaurant and also it has a store where you can find the things you’re looking for. There’s a manager of the restaurant, and another one for the store, and also each department has its own boss. Sanborns is in the catering and selling business.

As I said before, that the store has different departments; it has the toys and candies department, the drugstore, the telecommunications department, the books, and the men’s department. But the company has also another department that is only for hiring new employees, there they select the people that can work in the company, and realize some interviews and exams.

I work in the candies and toys department, but I’m only there at weekends. I have to organize the toys in their places, and serve the chocolates; I can’t receive the money. We start work at 2 o’clock pm and we finish it at 10 o’clock pm. We don’t have lunch at a specific time, we have lunch break at any time, but you only can take 45 minutes. This work is only at weekends so we don’t have holidays, just important days are free.

Sometimes it’s a little bit difficult for me the work, because I go to school in the morning, so on Friday, I wake up at 5:30 am and take a shower, then at6 o’clock after I get dressed, I take a glass of milk and get out to school. I arrive to school at 7 am and take classes, then I return to my house at 1:15 pm more or less and change my clothes, if I have time, I eat something, and walk to my work, I arrive there at 2 o’clock and I start working, I usually take lunch break at 6 o’clock pm. At 10 o’clock pm my brother picks me up and I arrive to my house very tired. I like very much my work, I like being in that department and I also like very much working with my boss, and my partners. I don’t like the manager of the store because he feels better than others and I neither like working with that schedule, because I thing I loose al my day. The obligations that I like are to attend people and to serve the candies, and the ones that I hate are cleaning the display cabinets.

Thank you for your attention. Good bye.

SeMeStER 2

Week 8

Unit 8


8.1 Discussing arrangements

*In this chapter, I learned how to elaborate the plans for a business trip, the things that I’m going to do in each day

*I learned that the sentences for talk about plans and arrangements are used in present progressive.

8.2 Making arrangements

*In this chapter we learned how to organize the plans of someone else.

*We learned how to ask someone to meet us.

8.3 Planning a trip

*I learned how to make my schedule of activities.

Week 10

Unit 10

Revision and consolidation

* This unit was like a review of the things we learned in the other units.

* It talks about the advice, how to ask someone to do something and routines.

*We also practiced how to use some verbs with business words

* And there are also many words to practice their meanings.

Week 9

Unit 9

Visits and travel

9.1 Finding out about hotels

*The objective of this chapter was to teach us how to find a good hotel for a business trip

*We learned how to ask for the facilities that a hotel has.

9.2 Talking to a visitor

*We practiced what to do when a visitor come to our company for a first meeting.

*We also learned how to ask visitors how are they feeling in their trip

9.3 Attending business events

*We learned some adjectives to describe how a meeting, conference or any business event was.

* We also learned how to ask in a conversation what do people think about the business events.

SeMesTEr 3

Andrade Pérez Janette
3RM1 A-201

My activities for this weekend

This weekend, I will go to Acapulco, and there are many things I would like to do:

Friday 16

I will prepare my baggage.
We’re going to check that the car works well, and go to sleep early because then ext day we’re traveling very early.

Saturday 17

Very early in the morning, we are going to start our trip; we are going to travel by car
for about 6 hours.

We will stay at the Copacabana Hotel because it is in a great zone, almost downtown.
We are going to eat at the hotel and rest a little beat, swimming at the pool and sunbathing at the beach.

It will be Saturday night, so we have to go dancing.
We’re going to Palladium disco, that is the best disco of Acapulco, to pass a great time and go to sleep until dawn.

Sunday 18

Not too early at morning we will be at the swimming pool, and playing volleyball at the beach.
In the afternoon we’re going to Planet Hollywood to get lunch, and to walk a little bit through the market that is very near.
At night we’re staying at the hotel, because al the bar, they prepare dinner and also a kind of show to be entertained with during the night.

Monday 19

We’re going to take my cousin to the Cici, to see the dolphins show, but before getting there, we’ll take breakfast at 100% natural, because it is one of my favorite restaurants.

We will stay a long time there in the Cici, and after that we’re going to the other part of Acapulco, where the Princess and the Mayan Hotel are, to a beach called Bonfil, it ois great, because it is not as dirty as the Revolcadero beach, and it is calm, so you can go in the sea.

After a tiring day, we’re having dinner in a restaurant that my mom loves, it is called Julio’s and they prepare

Tuesday 20

More less at 12 o’clock, we are going to travel again to our house. We’re taking lunch at “Tres Marias” and return to our houses to prepare everything to come back to school and to work.

SeMeStER 2

Week 4

Unit 4

The place of work

4.1 Giving directions

*In this chapter, I learned how to tell somebody how to arrive to different places, and I also learned how to asked where a place is.

*I learned new vocabulary.

4.2 Talking about departments

*We learned how to describe a department

*The most important thing here was to know what’s the function of each department.

4.3 Taking a message

*I learn the formal way to answer the phone or to call someone and to ask for taking a message or lo leave a message

*I learned the different preposition that can be used to talk about places and how to use them

Week 5

Unit 5

Revision and consolidation

* This unit was like a review of the things we learned in the other units.

* It talks about the preposition, pronous, articles and it has many vocabulary for us to practice.

*We also practiced how to make question from a given answer.

Week 7

Unit 7

The working environment

7.1 Asking people to do things

*The objective of this chapter was to teach us how to ask someone to do something, we learned the way to make questions and the answer we have to say.

7.2 Talking about stress

*We answered a test to know how much stress do we have, and we answered some simple questions

*We also read and talk about the activities and functions that a manager have, and about the obligations every person have in their position.

*We used the verbs that express obligation or lack of obligation and we said many examples.

7.3 Giving advice

*We practiced how to help someone to solve different kind of problems

Week 6

Unit 6

Day-to-day work

6.1 Talking about you work

*Here I learned the preposition of time, how to use them

*I learned how to describe the conditions of my company, for example at what time does work star and finishes, when’s the lunch break, and many things like that.

6.2 Describing routines

*We learned how to use the time adverbs, that are the ones that express how frequently the action described in the sentence takes place

*I also review how to talk about my day, to describe the things I did

6.3 Likes and dislikes

*I learn hoe to write sentences that express like or dislikes, how to use the verb and the meaning of them.


Grown floor- planta baja

Lift- Elevador

Customer- cliente

Warehouse – bodega

Features- características

Space age- de la era del espacio

Vacuum cleaner- aspiradora

Highlighter- marca textos

Rises- levantarse

Wealthy- millonarios

means- medios

supper- cena

perks – dinero extra

request- solicitud

advice- consejo

clerical- oficina

managing- dirigiendo

getting rid- eliminando

afford- pagar

cut down – reducir

SeMesTEr 3

Describing my company

Dear Mr. Miller

Welcome to our company. Let me tell you about our routine:
We start work at 2 o’clock pm and we finish it at 10 o’clock pm. We don’t have lunch at a specific time, we have lunch break at any time. This work is only at weekends so we don’t have holidays, just important days are free.
There are different departments in the store so you will be working in one of them and your boss will give you specific instructions.
If you have any further question, please contact me.

Yours sincerely

Janette Andrade
Weekend Sales Representative

SeMeStER 2

Unit 1

Introductions and greetings

1.1 Introducing yourself

*I learn how to introduce my self in a formal and in an informal way, and i learns new things like how do you do.

*We also learn how to ask a person his or her name or if they are the person we’re looking for.

1.2 Saying where are you from

*I learned how to say were I am from but the most important thing for me in this lesson was that I learn how to call people from different countries, their languages and the capital.

1.3 Introducing other people

*I learned that when you introduce another person you have to call them by their last name.

*They told us the phrases to introduce people in a formal way

Week 2

Unit 2


2.1 Saying what you do

*In this week I learned new vocabulary, and I remember the different types of jobs that exist.

*Also we learned the differences in asking for, at or in.

2.2 Telephoning

*We repeat and remember how to spell words and the pronunciation of the letters.

*We learned how to ask someone to spell a word or to repeat something.

2.3 Finding out information about people

*We practiced numbers, because we listen to telephones

*We learned how to ask questions to people to get information

Week 3

Unit 3


3.1 Describing a company

*As the name of the task says, we learned how to describe a company, say where it is, where its headquarters are and if it has got branches in our country.

3.2 Talking about types of business

*We learned how to say to what type of industry our company belongs to, we learned also the types of companies that can be.

*We also learned how to ask question in third person and write negative and affirmative short answers and complements.


Wealthy- millonarios

means- medios

supper- cena

perks – dinero extra

request- solicitud

advice- consejo

clerical- oficina

managing- dirigiendo

getting rid- eliminando

afford- pagar

cut down – reducir

Grown floor- planta baja

Lift- Elevador

Customer- cliente

Warehouse – bodega

Features- características

Space age- de la era del espacio

Vacuum cleaner- aspiradora

Highlighter- marca textos

Rises- levantarse


Full- llena

Out door- aire libre

Attend- asistir

Free- libre

Suit – acomoda

Soon- pronto

Cought- tos

Fit- saludable

Counseling- asesorias


Leisure- placer

Doorstep- a la puerta

Courts- canchas

Foggy – nublado

Trade fair- feria de comercio