jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

My OpInIoN

Well, DuRinG tHiS MoNtH, I ThInK tHaT iT WaS a GrEaT IdEa To UsE tHe LaBs, BeCaUse ThEy ArE gReaT aNd I hAD nEvEr USe ThEm sInCe NoW.
I dOn'T LiKe tHaT ThE tEaCHer GiVeS Us ThE cLaSs In SpAnIsH, BeCAUse I ThInK We NeEd To PrAcTiCe MoRe OuR sPeAkiNg AnD LiSteNinG, AnD TrY tO uNdErSAtNd The exPlanAtIoNs iN eNgLiSh!
I lIkE ThE acTiViTiEs WiYh The sOnGs AnD ThE eXceRciSeS in ThE cOmPuTer; ThEy Are VerY inTerEsaNT, EnTerTaIninG aNd GreAt, We sHoUlD do It MoRe OfTEn

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008


1. The rate of unemployment is increasing day to day.

2. Having a struck is great for all the workers, because as it is said, it will be like a cushion if they fall.

3. "Don´t make a fuss" my boss tell me when he asked me to work on sunday.

4. It´s binding not to work more than 8 hours a day

5. Because of the economy of the country, many companies are sereancing tjeir employments

6. It was advisory the situation the company is having

7. The new products of Coca-Cola company, strike the ones of Cadbury